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As a group of local Gorbals residents we aim to give local Gorbals people more power to decide what happens in our community. We believe that great ideas, together with community input can result in positive action that benefits everyone!


Our annual Your Priority process gives people the opportunity to suggest things that they think could improve our area. That might be by making a suggestion that would tackle a community issue or priority e.g. last year's Community Pantry idea or something that could make the physical area a more pleasant place to live, like the successful Gorbals Grows project.

We don't just ask people to make suggestions, we make sure there are funds available to support the things the community decides are most important to them, or would make the biggest difference to the Gorbals and the people who live here.


We recently launched Your Priority 2023 and we're inviting local people, groups and services to put forward ideas that they think would make the Gorbals an even better place to live.


Just like last year we're backing this process with £80,000. £60,000 to support the ideas of local people and £20,000 to support the ideas of local groups and services.

We're gathering ideas until Monday 15 May 2023 - so make sure you are signed up at to share your ideas and be in with the chance of seeing them become a reality later in the year! 

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