The first stage of Your Priorities closed on Sunday 10 April at midnight.
209 local people had signed up to the site to post ideas or show their support for their favourite ideas and with 35 ideas to choose from there was something for everyone.
Six of the ideas came from groups, services and organisations and we're delighted to invite those six ideas to take part in Round 2 by completing a short application form to tell us more about their idea.
An amazing twenty-nine ideas came from local people and the twelve most popular ideas, as voted for by site users, will be invited to take part in Round 2 and work with us to develop and cost their idea.
The twelve most popular ideas were:

We've already been in touch with everyone who posted an idea to tell them about the next steps of the process but if you'd like to get involved and help us develop any of the ideas above, drop us an email at - two heads are better than one!
When all of the ideas have been fully developed and costed we'll bring them back to the whole community to ask you which of the ideas you'd like to fund.